Website Legal Support

We approach every issue creatively to achieve the best results

Having a well-maintained and accessible website is an essential feature of running a business in the digital age. Whether you use it to sell goods, provide online services, or merely use it as a brochure, it is not difficult to get lost in the complex legal framework of UK and EU laws applicable to websites.

If UK or EU citizens visit your website, you need to have terms and conditions of use, as well as up-to-date privacy and cookie policies on your website. Of course, the more you rely on your website for income and the more traffic your website has, the more vital it is that you have well-drafted and legally watertight policies catered to your business needs. This helps you to avoid unnecessary conflicts by ensuring that both your business and customers are protected fairly in a transparent manner.

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What are Terms and Conditions of use?

Terms of use are a binding agreement between the business and website visitors, which the latter must agree to before using the website. To work well, terms should be adapted to your specific business, your target countries and the type of activity visitors can engage in. There are many legal issues that Terms of use can help with, including:

  • Limiting liability of your website in case things go wrong (for instance, if a visitor’s device gets infected with malware from your website)
  • Identifying the scope of your services (for instance, clarifying your responsibilities and whether your website content should be considered as opinion or professional advice)
  • Defining what website users are permitted to do and requiring them to indemnify your business in case they do not comply

What is Privacy Policy?

Given the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in May 2018, effectively protecting website users’ personal data has never been more important than today. A well-drafted privacy policy clarifies your compliance with data protection laws in a transparent way. It does so by outlining how your business handles – that is, collects, processes, stores, transmits and deletes – the personal data of its users in compliance with GDPR.

What is a Cookies Policy?

You are required by EU cookie law and the GDPR to inform website users of which cookies on your website collect their data and to seek their informed consent for using them. This data includes information like users’ location, website visits, and visitor preference.

How Barnes Law can help you?

Our team has extensive experience in advising businesses of all sizes on website-related issues. If you are a start-up, we can draft a complete documentation package (terms of use, privacy policy and cookie policy) that will protect your legal position, so that you can focus on growing your company. If you are an established business, our team constantly keeps up with current best practices and changes in the law, so that it can advise on keeping your terms and policies up to date.

At Barnes Law, we use industry standards as a starting point for drafting terms and policies, which we then tailor to our clients’ specific business needs in order to make the documentation work for them.

To see how we can support your website, please call us on +44 (0) 208 092 2700 or email We also offer 30-minute initial consultations free of charge.